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Analyze Your Data With Remark Office OMR

Remark Office OMR

Grade Tests and Analyze Surveys
Remark Office OMR includes Remark Quick Stats®, a built-in analysis and reporting package that is used to tabulate surveys and grade tests. With the click of a button, the software provides many standard reports. Reports are customizable in terms of information displayed, colors, fonts and graphics. All reports can be exported to various formats, including PDF, and emailed in order to get information into your constituents' hands quickly and efficiently.

For survey style forms, reports such as an item analysis, item statistics or crosstabs are available. Each report contains a variety of statistics including; Mean, Variance, Standard Deviation, Standard Error, Min, Max, Range, Median, Skewness, Kurtosis, T-Value, Percentiles, Confidence Intervals and more. View open ended questions in a single response report. In addition, view results by groups of questions to gauge performance better, or compare responses by demographics or other criteria. Detailed information and examples of Remark Quick Stats’ Survey Analysis reports.

If you administer tests, the software automatically grades them. Using the Easy Grade option, simply put the answer key on top of the test forms, scan the forms and click the Grade button. Or customize the grading process by using a specialized grade scale, adding learning objectives to create scores for subsets of questions, compare student scores to established benchmark scores and other options, the software grades the test and produces statistics and graphs representing the item analysis, frequency distribution, student scores and several other test statistics. Remark Office OMR also produces a grade report for each student which can be printed and handed back to the student. Grades can be exported to a variety of gradebooks and student management systems. Detailed information and examples of Remark Quick Stats’ Test Grading reports.

All reports can be exported as PDFs, html, xml and more. Reports can generate a variety of graph types including; pie, bar, horizontal bar, line, area, point, polar, fast line and more.

Remark Office OMR’s Data Export Capabilities

Once your forms have been scanned and processed the software can save the data to over 35 different output formats for use with virtually any analysis package (such as SPSS, dBase, Access, SQL Server, Excel or Lotus 1-2-3). Remark Office OMR can even save your data to an HTML format for publishing on the Internet or to an Intranet.

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