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OMR Solutions is one stop place for complete OMR Solutions. This solution is provided by leaders and expertise of this area.


Form Designing for OMR Forms is the bottom as these are base for accurate readings. A wrongly designed form can be hassle
so recommendations are to consult the professional once the design is being finalised .

Good Software which should have specially CMYK as Colors as most Sheets are Magenta and Black .The safe colors are very
important, as unsafe colors cannot be dropped out and will give additional readings from OMR. Visible read heads (ie capable
of reading both pen and pencil ) works in Red Specturum while infrared (only Pencil read heads) works with Green /Blue or
Red .
I have seen people using Corel Draw , Autocad , or Specially for OMR Sheet designing they have Magenta from Datablocks or
FILIPS from Scantron , they all work good . If you ask me what I use I use Adobe Illustrator and Macromedia Free Hand .

In My next article I can give you some information on how to effectively use the same

The most important aspect is how you get your forms printed from here on . Is it Digital Print or Offset print , or Some
Colored Copy of the same. Different process takes place , Digital print is useful for lower quantity and also if you have some
pre-printed thing like Roll No or Lithocode. These days fast speed Digital Copiers are also available in the market . They are
costly but can reduce much of your operations time.

Offset Printers needs to do the best in registration, if your black and magenta registration does not match , I am sorry but
you will end up whole process in mess

Offset Printers need to work good in cutting as well . A good cutting machine for cutting of OMR Sheets is required as
Usually an OMR reader does not have more than 2 mm of Tolerance

A good Paper which does not stick to each other or catches the dust is a recommended always.

I remember of one of my printer in his initial days the printer shrunk the original image just to make sure that everything fits
on the particular size and fun is that my client tried to make the template on the top of it and try to read the data. The Bubbles
are at special positions depending what pitch of scanner you are using . Standards are 1/6 inches with 48 Columns or Channels

Thus form designing is critical for successful implemenation of OMR process . Next we will discuss how best we can design
forms for Remark Office OMR and OMR Softwares for Normal Scanners .

I look forward to hear from you on all this articles and your experiences and requirments .


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