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magenta for office Suite


Magenta for office

Magenta for Office Suite
for use with page scanners includes magenta for office for Office for the design of scantron forms (OMR bubbles) that are plain paper forms or plain paper survey forms; Data Merge for data merging capability; and Remark Office® scanning, reporting and exporting data collection software. These are also available separately as magenta for office for Office, Data Merge, and Remark Office® but are priced lower when purchased as a suite. Page scanners are also known as image, document, or flatbed scanners.

Magenta for office puts the design and printing of plain paper forms for page scanners in the hands of those who have the task of data collection. Because of their increased accuracy and low price, present page scanners, in tandem with magenta for office for Office, can help companies and institutions adapt to change, create plain paper survey forms and questionnaires to survey the community, poll customers or track inventory and sales. This software provides the features and functions you need and want.

Implementation can be achieved in a matter of hours rather than days. Print your own scantron forms on your color or black & white laser printer, and merge your data (preslugs, preprinting, serialization, barcodes) with your scantron form in one pass. Modify your forms easily and as often as needed.

If you have ever used a scan form design and print package, you will be happy to know that the functions you wanted have been included with magenta for office for Office: group moves, duplex printing, color, “real” Windows cut and paste, multiple documents opening simultaneously.

Magenta for office for Office plain paper form design features

•All the colors you want
•As many graphics as you want
•Shading for readability
•Cut and paste from inside and outside from project to project
•Automatic numbering of questions
•Individual orientation of text for landscape and portrait scan forms
•Multi-language spell checker
•Totally new text entry capability
•Never too late to fix alignment spacing problems or mistakes
•Shows needed white space around bubbles
•Special characters can be created inside bubbles for clarity
•Optional data merge feature allows barcode, BCD, binary, alphanumeric data to be printed

Plain paper forms created for use with a page scanner are different from scan forms created for use with an optical mark reader. So, when designing such forms, fonts specific to page scanners are required.

Plain paper form areas to consider

Bubbles need to be further apart in order for the scanner to detect them.
• The bubbles themselves need to be thicker so that the image scanner can easily identify them.
• Characters inside bubbles need to be shades lighter than the bubbles so that the image scanner does not pick them up as actual data.
• Shading near or across bubbles needs to be very light, if done at all.
• Text cannot be close to bubbles.

Magenta for office/RemarkŪ scanning, reporting, & exporting software interface

Scanning a magenta for office for Office-designed plain paper form with Remark Office® tells the scanner where to look on the form and what to output for data
•Recognizes bubbles/checkboxes
•Recognizes barcodes
•Processes double-sided forms
•Has an easy to use error correction facility
•Validates information with database verification and database linking
•Allows input field types for data entry of handwritten data within the software
•Produces customizable graphs of grade/tally results and statistics
•Exports test grades directly to grade book packages
•Supports nearly all PC page (image or desktop) scanners
•Saves data to almost 40 different file formats including SPSS, Access, Excel

Printing features

Full color as well as black & white
•Prints Portrait and Landscape forms
•Simplex and Duplex enabled
•Allows different paper sizes
•2-sided image alignment (left, right, up and down)
•Preprinting and preslugging of variable data forms
•PCL and Postscript compatible
To read about magenta for office for Office's features and functionality, we have provided a PDF file for you. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader, download a free copy at Adobe's web site

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